Here are some pictures from Marty's childhood...



Marty is about 2 1/2 years old in this picture.  Back then, he knew how to wear a bow tie....unlike below....







This is a 2nd grade picture so Marty should be about 7 or 8...  It was hot in the auditorium that day (no AC)....too hot to stand in line with a tie on.  So, "I took it off and when it was time to put the tie back on, I put it where I thought it went." (his Mom, Matice Wells..."Nannie"...had dressed him that morning...telling him not to take it off before the picture)  "I guess she figured out that I didn't do what I was told that day.  I can remember the teachers giggling at me.  I thought they were laughing at my hair." :-(






The picture on the left shows Marty standing on the table watching "Paw Paw" Sirmons (Grandfather on his mother's side) skinning a coon.  How exciting!  "I saw lots of strange and exciting things for a young boy at that farm way out in the Big Thicket forest in East Texas."




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